Sunday, October 08, 2006

Our skin color is the same
Our blood groups match
We both have the future in our eyes
We hold our memories in frames

I can see a dwelling just like mine
Wherein they tend to each other
Where the days and nights are alike
Together on us the same stars and sun shine
Across the stroke is a similar means of living
Farmers , doctors , lawyers , teachers and traders
I am sure even they are taught
Love grows not from snatching but giving

To some who are very tenacious
War gives nothing but ruins
Give affection to one and all
Its a small life and very precious......

Saturday, September 30, 2006

conflicting thoughts , confused mind
didn't know what I had to find

a tussle between the heart and head
the road was indeed long ahead

asked for advice or a solution
did not less the complication

went there , here, everywhere
I found it nowhere

my heart , mind and body in different directions
but peace I found in my own reflection.....

Thursday, September 21, 2006

feed it
for it is hungry

rest it
for it is tired

caress it
for it needs your love

treasure it
for implants are not like the original

after all it is your own brain!!!